30 Jul Seeking Refuge: Images of those Displaced by War, Poverty and Persecution
The situation of refugees has been a much debated topic in recent years, both within the United States and internationally. As a city with a strong history of diversity among its inhabitants, Paterson and its citizens have an opportunity to partake in the discussion. Therefore, the Museum is happy to introduce our newest exhibition, Seeking Refuge, the photo essays of Thomas E. Franklin.
Thomas E. Franklin is an award-winning photographer, multimedia journalist, documentary filmmaker, and educator, with over 30-years of experience in the news industry. Over the past five years, he has explored a wide variety of subjects related to immigration and human migration. This exhibit consists of seven photo essays that depict the experiences of many who are currently displaced and sheds light on the highly complex circumstances surrounding global migration.
Originally planned to debut at the Museum in May 2020, the physical exhibition was postponed due to the museum’s COVID-19 closure. However, greatly due to the efforts of the Franklin himself, the museum is able to provide its patrons with a virtual representation of the exhibition, right in their own homes.
Click the link to visit the exhibit : https://seekingrefugephotos.com/
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