26 Jun “Order’s Up!” Paterson and the Rise of the New Jersey Diner
New Jersey is acknowledged as the “Diner Capital of the World” for two reasons: because of the number of diners that operate in the Garden State and because many of the major U.S. diner builders were located here. In this exhibition, learn how Paterson played a role in this statewide phenomenon.
Today, Paterson is well known for its eclectic blend of food experiences and cultures. After all, the City motto is “Great Falls, Great Food, Great Future.” This exhibition will highlight Paterson’s contributions to the diner industry, from Silk City Diners to Libby’s Lunch and the Hot Texas Weiner. Many of the photos in the exhibit come from New Jersey author Michael Gabriele, who serves as the co-curator. Among his many publications, Gabriele has written two books about diners, The History of Diners in New Jersey, and Stories from New Jersey Diners.
The exhibit will be on display now through Friday, October 6, 2023. in the Hannah Memorial Gallery, at The Paterson Museum.
View The Exhibition Panels Below
Learn more about the exhibit here:
‘Order’s Up:’ New exhibit at N.J. museum is all about diners- article
The history of diners in New Jersey exhibit- photographs
Photographs of the exhibit reception July 8, 2023 by Terry McKenna